NAACP and Urban League call on Reps Conrad and Lambeth to withdraw discriminatory bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Contact: James Perryjames@4×8.6f1.myftpupload.com336.725.5614 The Winston-Salem Chapter of the NAACP and Winston-Salem Urban League call on Representatives Debra Conrad and Donny Lambeth to withdraw racially discriminatory House Bill 519. If...

Mental Health Lunch & Learn

Join the Winston Salem Urban League for a free Lunch and Learn Thursday, March 28th, as Choey Gilreath, LPCA leads us in an open conversation surrounding mental health stigmas, education on mental health, and tools to identify personal mental health needs. Afterwards,...

Job Board — Late February

2020 Census Jobs Indigenous hiring within historically undercounted populations in imperative for an accurate count of the Black community. The U.S. Census Bureau is now recruiting for thousands of 2020 Census Takers. Apply online for a temporary job at...

Job Board — Mid February

2020 Census Jobs Indigenous hiring within historically undercounted populations in imperative for an accurate count of the Black community. The U.S. Census Bureau is now recruiting for thousands of 2020 Census Takers. Apply online for a temporary job at...

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