Susan Yussim, Shepherd’s Center of Kernersville
Success Story | Susan Yussim was a longtime volunteer at the Shepherd’s Center of Kernersville, NC, where she heard about the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), run by the Winston-Salem Urban League. After enrolling in the program, she was assigned to continue her training at the Shepherd’s Center as a Transportation Assistant. Susan enrolled in sCSEP to get help with subsidizing her income and to have the ability to improve her social skills as well as build strong and lasting relationships with others.
Because her agency provides a wide range of services to the aging and disabled population, Susan has had the chance to meet her desire to help people. She has also gained knowledge and been introduced to similar programs and resources of this nature available in her community that she is happy to share with others. She states that “being able to work with the aging and disabled public at my agency has been remarkable and very important for me. It has been the most rewarding part of my time in SCSEP and satisfies my need to help others.”
In fulfilling her job duties, she has been able to improve her employability skills by learning various aspects of office functions and refining her communication and computer skills. Susan is grateful for the training that she gets as she finds it not only benefits her, but also benefits those who need the services of her agency. The agency also appreciates Susan’s hard work and devotion to helping staff and provide support in areas of need.
When asked how SCSEP has helped her, Susan said, “In addition to the valuable work training I have received, this program has also enables e to pay off my car and to become debt free.”
The duration limit to be enrolled in SCSEP is 48 months. Susan is approaching her limit and will be exiting the program soon. She is hopeful that her agency will hire her and recommends SCSEP to other aging adults. She says, “SCSEP has been gratifying and I highly recommend this employment program to those looking to return to work after retirement. It’s such a great opportunity!”