by winstonsalemurbanleague | Mar 3, 2020 | Business, Center for Asset and Economic Opportunity, CEO Blog, Guild, Media, Members, News, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Summer Youth Employment Program, Young Professionals
SO-IN Forsyth Phone: 336-448-4419Twitter: @soinforsythFacebook: soinforsythInstagram: soinforsythEmail: magalie@so-inforsyth.comWeb: Louise Rd., Suite 135,Winston-Salem NC 27107 Every month, the Chronicle, Forsyth Tech Small Business...
by winstonsalemurbanleague | Feb 14, 2020 | Business, Center for Asset and Economic Opportunity, CEO Blog, Guild, Media, Members, News, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Summer Youth Employment Program, Young Professionals
COMMUNITY INTERVENTION & EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Phone: 336-682-2331Email: kenyact2015@gmail.comWeb: www.pssofnc.com1000 1225 East 5th St.Winston-Salem NC 27101 Every month, the Chronicle, Forsyth Tech Small Business Center, Triad...
by winstonsalemurbanleague | Jan 8, 2020 | Center for Asset and Economic Opportunity, Events, Guild, Housing, Members, News, Young Professionals
2020 is your year! So start off with your foot in the door…literally. Attend the Home of My Own, 1st Time Homebuyer Seminar. At this event, industry professionals will take attendees through each step of the home purchase process. Some of the Triad’s top...
by winstonsalemurbanleague | Dec 10, 2019 | Business, Center for Asset and Economic Opportunity, CEO Blog, Guild, Job Board, Media, Members, News, Young Professionals
Click here to download the job description. To apply for this position, please email your resumé, cover letter and compensation expectations to with “ZSR” in the subject line.The salary range for this position is competitive and is based...
by winstonsalemurbanleague | Dec 6, 2019 | Business, Center for Asset and Economic Opportunity, CEO Blog, Guild, Media, Members, News, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Summer Youth Employment Program, Young Professionals
Phone: 336-893-5105Email: info@mylittlegeniusnc.comWeb: www.mylittlegeniusnc.com1000 has 4th Street EastWinston-Salem NC 27101 Every month, the Chronicle, Forsyth Tech Small Business Center, Triad Minority Business Expo, Winston-Salem Chapter...
by winstonsalemurbanleague | Nov 15, 2019 | Center for Asset and Economic Opportunity, Events, Guild, Members, Mental Health, News, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Young Professionals
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The W-S Urban League’s annual Veterans Mental Health Breakfast the place to be last Friday. More than 50 veterans and their loved ones heard from Harold Eustache. Eustache served six years on active duty in the United States...