Richie Haithcock, is a 57 year-old resident of the Rescue Mission. He became homeless after losing his job and being unsuccessful in getting a job for 2 years. He was enrolled in the Urban League SCSEP March 15, 2017. Rickie met several of the SCSEP most In need criteria meaning he had several barriers to employment including low literacy, homelessness, and ex-offender. Rickie demonstrated a mild manner and maturity that employers often seek. Upon completion of his assessment and Individualized Employment Plan (IEP) Rickie was assigned to the City of Winston-Salem Parks and Recreation Department as an assistant in the Tennis Complex. His supervisor gave him rave revenues as an ideal employee. Rickie was serious about his goal of obtaining employment and he took advantage of the services offered through SCSEP to create a resume, conduct an electronic job search and submit electronic applications. With the assistance of the Urban League SCSEP staff, he applied for a position with the City of Winston-Salem. He was elated when he got the call for an interview and with his newly acquired interview skills he made a good impression. In just 2 months, Mr. Haithcock went from unemployed with no income to a position with the city at a comparable hourly rate.

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