The Winston-Salem Urban League was built for moments like these.
Our goal is socio-economic progress for diverse communities. We believe improving outcomes for diverse communities makes things better for everyone.
We intended to push that message to the President-elect, whoever he or she was. That’s why I made time for both the Republican and Democratic Conventions this summer.
Our work is not in the glitz of political campaigns or the give and take of political parties. Rather, the Winston-Salem Urban League is focused on the un-glorious gritty work of affecting policy.
Donate today to help us do just that:
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Like many of you, I am concerned.
I am concerned that the President-Elect may urge Department of Justice policies and Supreme Court justices that thwart voting rights, harm community-police relations and push against fair housing laws. I am concerned that the President-Elect will push draconian deportation policies that are harmful to families that make meaningful contributions to American society.
Like many of you, I am hopeful.
I am hopeful that the President-elect will rely on his real estate prowess to support a broad national infrastructure and housing development program. If done well, this effort will stimulate the construction and real estate industries and create good paying jobs.
In both scenarios, I need your help to make sure the Winston-Salem Urban League’s voice is heard. Help me do it.
Help advance our cause with a contribution today.
James Perry,
President and CEO
Winston-Salem Urban League |